Saturday, September 11, 2010

Time to give an "Old Blog" a new life

Hello U-ALL,
When I said "Old Blog" I didn't mean me!! I mean it really has been a long time and even as I write this update, I'm planning a completely new version of
dot two or something. I'm not quite sure????

We shall see, we shall see.......................

Friday, September 11, 2009

HR 1207 time is near

What Barney Frank Really Said About HR 1207

By tmartin • August 31, 2009
56 commentsHere’s an updated transcript of what Barney Frank really said about Ron Paul’s HR 1207 (also see Misinformation Alert: Barney Frank Never Said That HR 1207 Will Pass In October). Audience: Okay, hi, Mr. Frank, thank you for coming. I was just going to mention of something that I’ve noticed people and blogs talking about on the Internet, that these banks all across the country are overvaluing their assets, their mortgages that they hold on their books, and I’ve actually been to a few foreclosure auctions and I noticed banks are buying back houses for themselves in order to prevent themselves from having to mark down the value of these assets. And they’re basically lying to us about their solvency. And this is only possible by the Federal Reserve lending money to these institutions. And I just want to ask you, when will you put HR 1207, the bill to audit the Fed, up for a vote in the Committee. Thank you very much. Barney Frank: [...] while I really disagree that the Fed is the cause of this but yes, I have been pushing for more openness on the Fed, back when the Democrats were in power, and Henry Gonzalez, and we did get some of it. [...] I want to restrict powers of the Federal Reserve in a number of ways. First of all, they will be the major losers of power if we are successful, as I believe we will be, in setting up that financial product protection commission. The Federal Reserve is now charged with protecting consumers. They were supposed to do sub prime mortgage restricted. Congress in 1994 gave the Federal Reserve the power to adopt rules to ban bad sub prime mortgages. Alan Greenspan refused to do it. He said that was too much market intervention. They had the power to ban credit card abuses. They had the power to [...] overdrafts. They under Greenspan did nothing. Under Bernanke they started do things but only after Congress started. When I became Chairman of the Committee they began to act on these things. Sub prime mortgages, credit cards, overdraft, and in every case after we started the [...], so that’s one of the reasons why in the new consumer protection agency, we will take away from the Federal Reserve the power to do consumer protection. Secondly, they have had since 1932 a right, under Herbert Hoover and the Democratic Congress combined, the right, that they had to use it until recently, to intervene in the economy almost whenever they thought. Last September, the Federal Reserve came to us and said that they were going to advance $82 billion to AIG. I was kind of surprised and said, “You have 82 billion dollars, Mr. Bernanke?” He said, “I have 800 billion dollars.” Under section 13.3 of the Federal Reserve Act they can lend money to anybody they want. We are going to curtail that lending power. We are going to put some restraints on it. Finally we will subject them to a complete audit. I have been working with Ron Paul, who is the main sponsor of that bill. He agrees that we don’t want to have the audit appear as if it is influencing monetary policy because that would be inflationary. Ron and I agree on that. We also [...], one of the things the audit will show you is what the Federal Reserve buys itself. And that will be made public, but not instantly, because if that was made instantly you would have a lot of people trading off of that and it would have too much impact on the market. [...] agrees with that, so we’ll probably have that data released after a time period of several months, enough time so it wouldn’t be market sensitive. That will be part of the overall federal regulation that we are redacting. Audience: By the end of the year? Barney Frank: The House will pass it probably in October.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Economy Collapse

Economy Collapse

On Saturday's show with Ian Punnett, editor and publisher of International Forecaster, Bob Chapman, discussed the economic crisis, how brokerage firms such as Goldman Sachs played a part in fueling the collapse, and where he sees the economy heading into the future. He dismissed news that the economic crisis may be abating. Instead, Chapman said, we are merely seeing a "barrage of government propaganda, the payoffs that go on everyday, convincing people that everything is going to be okay."

He decried the use of derivatives by large firms like Goldman Sachs and alleged that their nefarious activity goes even further than that. According to Chapman, these companies pay a fee to have their automated trading computers positioned closest to the central computer of the New York Stock Exchange, which processes incoming and outgoing trades. "Because of its proximity, in nanoseconds," Chapman explained, the computers, and thus the firms, become "privy to orders before anybody else is and they are able to counteract what is going on with the orders, in order to make a larger profit.

Lunar & NASA Secrets

On Tuesday's show, C2C science adviser, Richard C. Hoagland discussed how a current NASA return to the Moon has already led to a major new confirmation of the "lunar dome model," and shared evidence for the existence of a "secret space program." As explored in his book Dark Mission, he contended that NASA is actually the originator of Apollo Moon landing hoax theories. They co-opted a fake conspiracy to supplant the real conspiracy-- that there are ancient artifacts on the moon, and that humans are the 'ETs' who have traveled to other planets in the past, he detailed. A clandestine group has secret technology such as anti-gravity and free energy, which has enabled setting up bases on the Moon, Hoagland continued. A recent infrared/thermal photograph of the Moon's South Pole taken by NASA's LACROSSE spacecraft was leaked, and he suggested that yellow perimeter lines in the image are evidence for huge domes on the lunar surface. Now that a number of nations are sending craft to the Moon, an upcoming crater impact mission being staged by NASA in October could be an attempt to vaporize artificial domes to cover-up evidence of secret space missions over the last 40 years, Hoagland hypothesized. For more, see Part I of Richards report, The Smoking Gun?

Conspiracies, Nazis, & UFOs:

On Wednesday's show, award-winning journalist Jim Marrs discussed the JFK assassination, UFOs, and the Nazi connection

Conspiracies, Nazis, & UFOs: On Wednesday's show, award-winning journalist Jim Marrs discussed the JFK assassination, UFOs, and the Nazi connection to secret technology & the power elite. There was a technology swap between Germany and the US after the war under such classified programs as Project Paperclip, and some of the knowledge may have been used in the American space program, he said. A covert space program probably exists that the public knows nothing about, he suggested. Marrs recalled details about a top American remote viewer who came into contact with his Soviet counterpart, and found out that the Russians had picked up or carried on a lot of the Nazi research into psychic abilities. There had been a unit in the German military called "Doctor Greenbaum" that was involved in remote viewing. It was part of a larger program called Majik-- which interestingly bears similarity to the spelling of "Majic," the abbreviation used for the UFO secrecy group Majestic 12 in the U.S., he noted. The Nazis made psychic contact with non-human intelligences, he added.

JFK may have been assassinated because he was planning to disclose information about UFOs, and MJ12 and the keepers of the secret considered this to be a threat to national security, he said. Marrs also spoke about " Secrets of Red Gate," his investigation into a small community in Montana that has had ongoing experiences with UFOs and ETs for decades. A remote viewing experiment indicated that children may have had encounters with "grey" type aliens in the Deer Lodge woods in 1952, he detailed.

Apollo & Space Missions

On the 40th anniversary of the moon landing, space historian Robert Zimmerman discussed the history and triumph of the Apollo space program & how the U.S. was able win the race to put a man on the moon. The Apollo program was an amazing achievement, as well as a difficult one that we have yet to repeat in the last 40 years, he said. The technology they used was very sophisticated considering the state of computers back then. For instance, inside the Apollo capsule they had less computing power than what's contained in a digital watch of today. The main calculations had to be relayed to them from Mission Control, he explained. Zimmerman believes that because the Apollo program was government sponsored it sent out the wrong lesson-- that such feats as the Moon landing can only be achieved through a government organization such as NASA. Now, other parts of the world are taking up the mantle for space exploration such as China, India, Japan, and Europe. India has found it easier to deal with the Russians and Chinese, rather than the US, in purchasing equipment for its space program, he noted. Russia's goal has always been to build an interplanetary spaceship that could travel to such destinations as Mars, and through its work the ISS, it has explored the medical effects on astronauts in space, at least somewhat more so than the US, Zimmerman commented. He suggested that real efforts will be made to return astronauts to the moon within the next decade, but they won't necessarily come from America.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Where are we going with this health care issues?

COMMENTS from GLENN BECK on 7/23/09

The Economy is Saved!

You heard President Obama say last night that he rescued the economy. Really, did he? Sure seems like there are still hundreds of thousands of people losing their jobs each month, and things are not looking up. Glenn highlights the idiotic explanation from Obama's top economic adviser as to why the economy is magically better. And mysteriously, as Glenn recorded his latest video blog, falling objects in the Manhattan sky kept distracting him. Find out what they were. WATCH

Obama: It's not about me

Obama was asked if he'd like to live under the Healthcare plan that he is proposing. His answer was 'It's not about me' because he has a doctor following him at all times. Hey, it's great to be implementing massive socialist programs when you don't have to live by them! The sweet life of Barack Obama -- Glenn explains in today’s March to Socialism. ( Transcript, Insider Audio)