Saturday, July 25, 2009

Where are we going with this health care issues?

COMMENTS from GLENN BECK on 7/23/09

The Economy is Saved!

You heard President Obama say last night that he rescued the economy. Really, did he? Sure seems like there are still hundreds of thousands of people losing their jobs each month, and things are not looking up. Glenn highlights the idiotic explanation from Obama's top economic adviser as to why the economy is magically better. And mysteriously, as Glenn recorded his latest video blog, falling objects in the Manhattan sky kept distracting him. Find out what they were. WATCH

Obama: It's not about me

Obama was asked if he'd like to live under the Healthcare plan that he is proposing. His answer was 'It's not about me' because he has a doctor following him at all times. Hey, it's great to be implementing massive socialist programs when you don't have to live by them! The sweet life of Barack Obama -- Glenn explains in today’s March to Socialism. ( Transcript, Insider Audio)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Wormwood ( Planet X)

Return of Planet X: On Monday's show, author and researcher Gilbert Eriksen outlined both science and biblical prophecy regarding the return of Planet X (Wormwood) which he believes will have dire consequences for the Earth. Rather than a planet, he suggested that Wormwood is actually a brown dwarf star, a huge iron oxide ball on an elliptical orbit in our solar system, which has 60 times the mass of Jupiter. It transits toward us on an 1,800 year cycle and is currently quite close, he claimed. [Photo] [Photo] Eriksen maintained that NASA is aware of Wormwood's presence through their satellite data, but is covering it up. The object can currently be seen by infrared telescopes in the Southern Hemisphere, and is inside the orbital radius of Neptune (Right Ascension: 18 h), he said. Prophecy in the Book of Revelation, such as the "moon became like blood" and "the sky was split apart like a scroll" refer to events brought about by Wormwood's passage and could take place as early as this summer, he warned. Among the cataclysms we'll see are meteorites hitting Earth, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes with huge tectonic shifts, and powerful tsunamis, he detailed. Unfortunately, the following summer (2010) will be even worse, as the methane atmosphere of Wormwood causes fire to rain down from the sky, and 1/3 of the Earth will be incinerated, Eriksen continued. For more on his "Wormwood Science" see this excerpt from his book.

George Norry

Host: Coast to Coast

Friday, July 10, 2009

Why I became involved with exposing government cover-ups.

I grew up during the Vietnam War and the Kennedy assassination (hint). I remember that at 9 years old I was shocked at the fact that the president could be killed by anyone. To me he was an icon and no one would dare to even speak derogatory toward him. This started my curiosity with everything that really occurs in the government. Of course with that and the Vietnam War there was no shortage of controversy and claims of government cover-ups. This began the questions in my mind. Could this be true? Did it really happen that way? Surely our government, the epitome of world democratic standards, was not involved in such things. Well, as you may have already guessed, I was about to loose my idealistic and nigh-eve beliefs in the honesty and forthrightness of our government. I spent the next 45 years developing and searching for, not just the truth, but what led to our passive attitudes toward the overt practices and operations of the secret internal workings in our U. S. Government. I have corresponded with many throughout the years over cover ups and lack of the governments unwillingness to reveal the truth. This is what lead me here today and to the belief that our own passive part is what ultimately lead to our current situation. I hope that you will find some clarity in the reading of my new book "Apathy in America" Please read some of the posts form some of the leading investigators in the fight for government transparency. Then do your research, formulate your own opinion, based on real facts, and comment on my blog. I can assure you that I read everyone.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Counter Terrorist




Ian Punnett


Fred Burton, Lynn Picknett

Ian spoke with counter terrorism agent Fred Burton, who provided behind-the-scenes details of his work tracking down the people responsible for terror attacks against the United States and its interests abroad. Burton said he began hunting terrorists in the mid-1980s, when he was assigned to the newly formed counter terrorism division of the Diplomatic Security Service. There were only three agents in the unit then. The fledgling group faced many challenges in the early days, Burton noted, including limited penetration and development of human assets within terrorist organizations. The Rewards for Justice program, which paid informants for securing intelligence information, was set up to help solve this problem, he said.

Burton discussed some of this division's success stories, including the capture of Ramzi Yousef, mastermind of the first World Trade Center bombing. According to Burton, Yousef had been planning to blow up several aircraft as well as kill American and British diplomats before he was arrested in Pakistan. Burton cited the creation of the Counter Surveillance Program and the development of Ballistic Window Film (which prevents glass from flying in the event of bombing) as additional high spots in the counterterrorism unit's record. Burton expressed regret for his group's failure to capture Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the man who planned the 9/11 attack. He also talked about the Oklahoma City bombing, and the likelihood of terrorists detonating a radiological 'dirty bomb' on U.S. soil.